Thursday, February 23, 2017


Found this one just yesterday. Mango. Was very excited when I saw they had an Irish course. It is free if your library has paid for it and ours had. This is definitely a great place for beginners as the lessons are pretty easy. They only introduce one or two new words at a time and then they connect them with other words you have already learned to make sentences. And yes, it is very basic stuff but I still have learned how to say two new things in the first seven lessons and, unlike Duolingo, they are useful things. It has a LOT of repetition but we all need that in order to learn a language but it is a little boring if you already know most of the words. Still, I am hoping it gets harder and I learn more as I go along and even if I don't, it is still reinforcing vocabulary that I have had before but haven't used in a while. What I would love for it to add is a writing component. All of these courses except IsFeiderLiom are missing that element and even IsFeiderLiom only has very limited writing. I think writing the words yourself is really the key to learning how to spell them. Anyone can recognize a word when they see it but that doesn't mean you can spell it.
Anyway, check out Mango for some reinforcement on what you may already know and to add a little vocabulary and if you are a complete beginner, this is definitely the place to start.

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